
"There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature."
Jane Austen

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve 2013.. Before everything became topsy turvy

Just back from a brilliantly lit dazzling Park Street.. the decorations are mostly tasteful and lovable.. specly loved the huge Christmas Tree outside Allen Park, the smaller ones at the gate and the HUGE SANTA inside.. Thanks to Robi O Nobin, Soumitra Roy, and Irene Sarkar for a wonderful Christmas Eve..an open-air musical evening with the first chill to be felt.. the power, range and rustic nature of Soumitra-da's voice is unique and dear Irene, love you as always..it was your program the drew me to Park Street on X-Mas Eve after quite some time..the only sourness of the evening is an absent-minded boo boo made by me.. and oh! how I repent not taking the camera today again with me.. this year's Park Street decorations and that of Allen Park are special.. I never knew before today that the Dept of Tourism of WB GOVT has been arranging a Kolkata Christmas Festival since last year..this year it got inaugurated on Dec 20th.. Park Street is throbbing with red caps, reindeer horns and festive spirit..

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